Collection: Hale Road, 1993

Hale Road, 1993. A small Cape with a sunny side porch. Home of Joan and her beloved Dan. 

Soft beds of periwinkles and johnny jump-ups on the hill. 

Bubble-gum pink tiled bathroom, with soaps packaged in gold foil, never to be used.
Jean Naté in the bathtub, Crabtree & Evelyn on the sink. Gram asks, "Do you feel like a million bucks?" when you emerge from the bath.

The bedroom a riot of roses and pansies, hand-sewn lace valances, embroidery dotting the walls. The scent of lilac through the screen.

The kitchen crowded with family and laughter. Sea glass suspended in mineral oil on the window ledge above the sink.

Looking out, the sandbox that Grampy built for Cassandra, and the groundhog trying to thwart his plans.

Hale Road, 1993